
Showing posts from November, 2013

Liz's Year 2013

Things I accomplished this year: Bought a month of tanning at a tanning salon Went on a cruise Had a beautifully planned wedding Spent money on clothing that I put a lot of thought & effort into Found out who my ex really is and released him Changed jobs Successfully adjusted my eating habits Began discovering who I Am. Watched my girl grow up into a young lady Made new friends and let go of false ones Found out love is not a four letter word This year was eye opening.  I walked into it believing that it would be epic.  2013, turned 36 on the 13th....I love numbers and numerology, I naturally assumed that great things were around the corner.  It has been epic for reasons I could never have seen coming.  There have been awakenings for me that were long overdue, or perhaps not.  Perhaps it has all happened exactly as it should have.  My Honey is a firm believer in allowing things to work themselves out as they will.  He doesn't force anything.  I tried very hard to

A Musical Montage to Retribution

This is a therapy session.  This is me getting out some aggression, some much needed angst, and some simple "dammit" time.   NO APOLOGIES. NO REGRETS.  He used to hate this song..... aw hell, he used to hate this one too.....                                                Hold on, hold on, do what???                                                Yeah how 'bout that shit...                     Don't think we don't find out and talk and get the story straight                           How'd you do it for so long??? When it's all said and done, guess what, you're not as clever as you thought you were and it all comes out in the wash. P.S.  Therapy can't fix selfish.                Cause when it all comes down...I gave it my all.  Regardless of what anyone thinks.

Kids These Days....

There are two things I am vain about:  my looks and my work ethic.  That comes from having a pretty mama and a work-a-holic father.  Yes my father has been a disabled veteran for a long time now, but when he worked, it was from sun up til sun down and had been that way since he was 12 years old.  There's not much my father couldn't do, anything from small engine repair to the finer points of cement distribution.  He also never limited my sister and I.  He assumed because we both had brains and common sense, there was no reason we couldn't be whatever we set out to be, hindered only by self imposed limits.  Like all parents they would look at us from time to time and ask if we reeaally wanted to go do that particular thing...once they got a solid YES!, they'd back off.  They knew we'd sink or swim, either way we'd get ourselves out of any mess. I cannot for the life of me comprehend today's entitlement generation.  I've noticed it ranges from the very e


Attrition by Merriam-Webster : Full Definition of ATTRITION 1 [Middle English  attricioun,  from Medieval Latin  attrition-, attritio,  from Latin]  :  sorrow for one's sins that arises from a motive  other than that of the love of God 2 :  the act of rubbing together :   friction ;  also  :  the act of wearing or grinding down by friction 3 :  the act of weakening or  exhausting  by constant harassment, abuse, or attack  <a war of  attrition > 4 :  a reduction in numbers usually as a result of resignation, retirement, or death  <a company with a high rate of attrition > There was a war going on in my life for years.  There was an attempt to wear me down and weaken me.  There were days I couldn't look in the mirror, not because I'd gained too much weight or started to age, but because I hated who looked back at me.  I didn't want to be me for a long long time.  That war is over.  There is no 38th parallel, no scalping of the lead