Idle Hands and the Devil
I read an article on NPR this morning about laziness in America. It wasn't written to bash anyone or anything, just an observation on life in the US beginning with the founding fathers and their attitudes towards idle time. In our home growing up, we were never allowed to utter the words "I'm bored" without repercussion. If there were no immediate chores to be done, the answer was to go read a book, which we did with fervor. Other than that, there was always something to be done whether it was to wipe down baseboards, dust the living room, sweep anything and everything, or pick through peas. Sleep was not an option. Naps were reserved for a rare Sunday afternoon and only if mama took one first. The only real way to get out of work at the house was to our case, go hide in the woods all afternoon until she was calling us in or we got hurt and just had to get it patched up proper. Even heading over to hide at a friends house could res...