I've been trying to 5 months to get this written out. I've erased. Deleted. Changed text and title repeatedly. I don't know where to start or what to say. Do I mention that I didn't color my hair for the first 3 months of the year? It was natural walking into this year? Like a rebirth? Do I mention that this semester of school was neither good nor was just, there? Do I mention that the trials so far have been rough but manageable? We are indeed in a time of change. The world itself and in my own little home. Without going into too many personal details, our household has been hit with some major medical whirlwinds in the last 9-10 months. My sweet Girl has a definitive reason for her tiny-ness, she will need medical monitoring for the rest of her life. Honey has followed suit with some common but life changing ailments of his own. Like I said, rough but manageable. Getting into my own cr...