As usual on a full moon, I had far too much energy and not enough time to do everything I'd like to do. I cut my yard, flea treated my dogs, relocated the one who likes to jump fences, and went on to clean my house. I'm one of those women who mutters as she know what I mean, you've heard your mama or your grandma do it. You walk up on them as they are mopping, scrubbing dishes, or doing laundry...just talking away under their breath. They (or you) may not realize it but they were taking negative energy and turning it into something positive, even if it's only a shiny kettle. My daughter has walked in on me many an afternoon just as I used to do my own mother, she will laugh at me and say, "talking to yourself again mama?" Yes baby, I am, sometimes I'm praying, sometimes I'm cussing and sometimes I'm reworking a conversation that I had previously. Many times during a week I'll converse with someone and come away from the con...