The Wheels on the Bus go.......
Ya'll know that "three sides to every story" thing I talk about from time to time? It exists. It's called yours, mine, and the truth. There is always a spin on someones story simply because we are incapable of being truly biased toward ourselves. Most people on the outside take a little from each side and meld it together to get what is then known as the truth. It takes pieces of each to make the story valid. Most people also decide early on to either take a side or bow out gracefully and don't become involved at all. Well sometimes you have outsiders who push their own agenda on an already bad situation. My mom would tease kittens when we were children. Kittens play fight and wrestle. She'd sneak up on them and tug one of their tails to get one to bite down a little harder on the other. In kittens the practice is cute. In people, not so much. If you're going through some kind of traumatic upset- divorce, breakup, dea...