Prophets and hippocrits and cowards oh my!!
OK so the title is a little much, but I'm sure everyone has had to deal with their share of people who refuse to live in the here and now. I used to be one of them. I had the best dream world up until I was somewhere around 20. I had the best emotional control of anyone I knew, I mean I could hide and fake a smile with the best. Most of my life at that time was a fairly big lie, so to speak. Then boot camp came along and stripped me down to almost nothing. See, that's what they do. They "remake" you. I can't speak for any other branch, but I can say quite definitely that the USMC does a good job of reprogramming the person, inside and out. Since then, my bullshit meter is off the charts, I can't hide or fake emotion, I know all of my limits and I have a pretty severe lack of tolerance. It's not easy for me to deal with people who push those limits. This last part of the year has been very difficult on everyone around me...