
Showing posts from December, 2013

Walking in to the New Year.....

I think 2013 has been had to be right?  Business is picking up, the kids are healthy, neither house has fallen in on itself, the bills are paid, the trucks run.... I think everyone sets themselves up to try to make major changes from one year to the next.  Each New Years is like a new slate, clean and fresh, ready for new beginnings.  Everyone wants to put away that one bad habit they just can't kick or take up something new they always wanted to try.  Still others are searching for that peace:  the end to that bad relationship, the release of toxic people or ideas, or perhaps simply to clarify their own mind and inner daemons.  I am by no means immune to any of this.  Each year starts off with the classic, "I will lose weight".  There was one year that I did it, I maintained my figure and was satisfied with the image in the mirror.  I will be there again.  Apologies in advance if any of my posts are riddled with fitness mot...

Taking Out the Trash

Friendship. Loyalty. Willful ignorance. Betrayal. Disassociation. What do all these words have in common? They all refer to a stage in a relationship. Some friendships are made to last, withstand anything and everything. Others are made to last just long enough for either or both parties to glean what they need and move on. The problem is how the split happens before the moving on. There are a few classic ways a friendship can crash and burn. Sadly, none of these are confined to high school. This is real and prevalent in adult society. You've got the “you slept with/stole my significant other, go to hell” This one is pretty straight forward, there was a blatant betrayal whether the friend was seduced by the significant other and caved or whether there was a willful act by both parties. Every now and then the friendship can be salvaged i.e. the bros before hoes/chicks before dicks clause. It is never quite the same afterward though. ...

Ode to Caitlin Moran

She's a feminist, she's a writer, she's a mom, she's real.  She suffers bouts of anxiety, she was a raging pot smoker, she is happily married.  She's been one of the biggest inspirations of my 30's thus far.  This is a little Thank You blog.  Her books have kept me somewhat sane thereby keeping my poor, wonderful new husband sane.  Word up Cat Mo!! You are appreciated! Check her out HERE . and HERE and there (couldn't get the video to come up) “I smoked a massive amount of marijuana… and then one day I went mad”