
Showing posts from July, 2014

Dwelling vs. Sorting

It's been mentioned by a couple folk that I seem to be dwelling on my past a little too much.  I guess by writing about certain things, getting them out of my head and down where I can sort through them isn't something everyone understands.  For the last year or so I've had some great but odd changes happen.  It's taken some time and effort to wrap my  head around it all. There is nothing about this life that is like the one before it.  Not one thing.  I've changed jobs-went from outside to inside-so to speak, I've gotten remarried-scary scary move, and I've gone back to college-something never before considered. I live on the opposite side of town, I live with a new mate, a new/old set of friends, my social life is different, my personal belief structure has been reaffirmed, my life is stable....etc etc etc.  There are little things that are different:  I still keep a clean house, but it's not spotless like it used to be (change).  I cook ...

Losses and gains aren't confined to the card table.

I've had a lot of time to take a look at my life as it is now...and how my life would have been if things had gone differently.  I've come to some pretty stout realizations. I've gone over and over the what ifs of not getting divorced.  What would have happened if we'd stayed in Galveston, or if we'd have moved to a different city when we came back to Louisiana...who knows how it all would have gone down. The most recent things that spin through my mind involve the friends I gained, lost, and rekindled after it all came apart.  I found out some true colors on a couple of folks, one fell away due to an idiotic misunderstanding, others have come back to me because they couldn't stand my ex.  Another took advantage of what was happening in my life and betrayed my confidences.  Ironically, the idiotic misunderstanding person and the betrayal queen are bosom buddies now.  At first, that slayed me.  It really did.  I thought there was something take...