2012...The End is Near?
So, according to first interpretation, by December we should all be toast. The world as we know it is supposed to end by the end of this year. The World As We Know It. There have been several articles since riddling the prophesy with holes. I've been reading various news articles of late, some of it American some of it BBC. Consider what we've learned about ancient peoples, they didn't always talk in specifics. Take the texts that we've found, both on scrolls and inscribed on walls, they spoke in ideas, and were specifically general...if that makes sense to anyone. What I'm getting at is this: Our planet may not implode, life may not burn up in some ball of fire, but we may simply change our world with our own behavior. Not literally destroy the Earth we are standing on, but destroy the way we live on it. There are wars raging in the promised land right now. No ...