Choices, chaos, and an open mind....
I went to my family's place this past holiday weekend. I spent 3 1/2 days there just being, it was a nice visit. And yes it set me to thinking, far far too much...because that's what I do, over think things. There's a curse to being an Air sign, we are mutable, I am ruled by Mercury. Mercury is the planet responsible for communication and the thought process, therefore I think and speak far too much, far too often. Hell sometimes I speak without thinking at all.... As I'm getting older, trying to show my daughter how life can be lived (not how to live), I find myself picking up on things I didn't notice as a child or a young adult. I have always lived in a sort of dream world, or a pretend place that I needed so that I could cope with what was around me. I came from what seemed to be a normal, functional household. Two parents, male and female, married for a long period of time and one sibling with whom I was raised. Ours was ...